Full day seminar by distinguished Professor Leslie Greenberg in-person in Cyprus, October 2023
Skills you can use in your current therapy work.
For continuing professional education credit.
Recommended for: all mental health professionals, educators and health practitioners who work with people who experience mental health difficulties.
Monday, 23rd of October 2023. 10:00-17:30.
University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus (in-person)
Certification will be provided at the end of the course, signed by Prof. Les Greenberg.
Educational objectives
By the end of the seminar you will:
Learn the different types of emotion (maladaptive, adaptive, primary, secondary, etc) and how to do “emotion diagnosis assessment”;
Learn how we can intervene differentially with different types of emotion;
Be introduced of the different ways on transforming emotional pain;
Learn what is the optimal level of emotion for helping clients productively process it;
Learn why is important for clients to access and deepen core emotional pain;
Learn what is the main deepening sequence in emotional processing;
Be introduced to Emotion Focused Therapy techniques to working with emotion (including different types of Chairwork);
Develop an understanding of how to “Change emotion with emotion” and what this principle involves step-by-step.
The emphasis of this one-day seminar is on how to work with emotion in therapy. The role of different emotion types; assessment including primary and secondary emotion; adaptive and maladaptive emotion; productive and unproductive emotional processing will be discussed. Case formulation and principles of emotional change will be explained and demonstrated through videos with real clients. The key principle of changing emotion with emotion will be explained, and video-taped examples will be presented. The role of memory consolidation in changing emotion with emotion will be discussed. The importance of moment-by-moment attunement to affect, and the use of chairwork methods for dialoguing with parts of self and imagined significant others, to access emotions, will be demonstrated.

Emotion Focused Therapy:
A humanistic, evidence-based form of therapy that integrates person-centred and gestalt therapies, with particular relevance to working with depression, trauma, borderline processes and anxiety difficulties. It has gained international recognition through the work of Les Greenberg, Robert Elliott, Laura Rice, Jeanne Watson, Rhonda Goldman, Antonio Pascual – Leone and others.
Marsha M. Linehan, Ph.D
There is no doubt that Greenberg is both a pioneer and the field’s premier investigator in the important work of applying the basic research on emotions to the process of psychotherapy… a fabulous compendium of strategies for working with emotions.
About Leslie Greenberg:

Professor Leslie Greenberg, is internationally known as one of the originators and primary developers of Emotion-Focused Therapy for individuals and couples.
Dr. Greenberg is a Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of Psychology at York University in Toronto and the primary developer of Emotion-focused therapy. He has authored the original books on Emotion in Psychotherapy (1986), Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples (1988). More recent books include Emotion-focused Couples Therapy: The dynamics of emotion, love and power (2008), Therapeutic Presence (2012), Emotion-focused therapy: Theory and practice (2015), Case Formulation in Emotion-Focused Therapy (2015), Emotion -Focused Therapy of Generalized Anxiety (2017), and Emotion-focused Therapy of Forgiveness (2019) and most recently Emotion Focused Counselling in Action (2021) and Changing Emotion with emotion (2021). He has received many awards for his contribution to the field of counselling and psychotherapy including the Distinguished Research Career award of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research as well as the Carl Rogers award and the award for the Distinguished Professional Contribution to Applied Research of the American Psychology Association. He also has received the Canadian Psychological Association Professional Award for distinguished contributions to Psychology as a profession. He is a past President of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. He currently trains people internationally in emotion–focused approaches.
See more on Professor Greenberg.
David H. Barlow, Ph.D.
Truly outstanding work [for] every researcher and practitioner involved with psychotherapy.
Course Outline
Time | Topic |
09:15 – 09:45 | Arrival and Registration |
10:00 – 13:00 | Beginning of the seminar -Period 1 & 2 |
13:00 – 13:45 | Lunch break |
13:45 – 15:15 | Period 3 |
15:15 – 15:30 | Coffee break |
15:30 – 17:00 | Period 4 |
17:00 – 17:30 | Closing the day / Q & A / Meet and greet Prof Greenberg |
Period 1: Emotion and its role in therapy
- Emotion: Theory and Research.
- Emotion and its role in therapy
- Adaptive and maladaptive emotion
- Emotion schemes and sources of emotion
- Emotion Assessment
- Assessment for differential intervention
- Primary adaptive emotion
- Primary maladaptive emotion
- Secondary reactive emotion
- Instrumental emotionality
- Productive emotional processing
Period 2: Framework for Intervention
- Major Emotional Change Processes.
- Awareness
- Expression
- Regulation
- Reflection
- Transformation
Period 3: Changing Emotion with Emotion
- Memory reconsolidation
- Methods of accessing new emotions
Video Demonstration
Period 4: Specific Method
- Videotape demonstrations and discussion of
- Self-criticism and the emotion change process
- Dialoguing with the self
- Self-criticism
- Needs and Wants
- Softening of Critic
- Discussion
- Indications and counter indications for Emotion Focused Work
- Overcontrolled and underregulated emotion
- The fragile client
- The self-annihilating client
- Videotape demonstrations and discussion of
- Self-criticism and the emotion change process
- Dialoguing with the self
- Self-criticism
- Needs and Wants
- Softening of Critic
- Discussion
- Indications and counter indications for Emotion Focused Work
- Overcontrolled and underregulated emotion
- The fragile client
- The self-annihilating client
Who can participate?
This is a one-day six-hour seminar in which Professionals and Students from all therapeutic backgrounds and levels can take part, including qualified therapists and students, students of Postgraduate Diploma/MSc Level or above from person-centred, psychodynamic, CBT, ACT, and related backgrounds, psychiatrists, and mental health nurses. This seminar is also open for professionals from related backgrounds including teachers, counsellors, social workers etc.
Please note, this seminar is an introduction to different ways of working with emotion based on EFT principles, and should not be considered as the first step toward specialization in Emotion Focused Therapy. If you are interested in more hands on experiential skills training you can register for the Level 1 Training also offered by Prof. Greenberg in Cyprus this October in-person.
Signed certificates by Prof Greenberg will be provided at the end of the course.
Early bird: Registration before Friday the 30th of June EXTENDED to Sunday, July 30th: 125 euros
Registration after the 1st of July 31st of July : 195 euros
Cancellation Policy: Our Standard Cancellation Policy applies.

** Please note that the didactic part of the seminar as well as the Q & A’s will be videotaped.**
Registration is now CLOSED
Thank you for your interest.
The Seminar is full and registration is closed.